What is Hashtag?

How many social networks do you use? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube? All the above SNS can use one special service, that is “hashtags”. I believe you must have heard this word once. In fact, nearly half of the users of SNS use hashtags.
What is Hashtag?
You may have seen a keyword with the symbol “# (hash mark)” on SNS, and this “# (hash mark)” is exactly what is called a hashtag.
Hashtags are used as “tags” for SNS posts, and posts are tagged by adding a specific keyword after the hashtag. By being tagged, you can instantly search for posts with the same keyword, and you can share topics with users who have similar hobbies and interests.
The Advantage of Using Hashtags
By using hashtags for posts, you can learn other people’s feelings about the same topics. You can get excited with people who are interested in the same things. Other users can see your post by searching with the same hashtags. Also, you can see the most popular topic of the season from popular hashtags.
Some Popular Hashtags in Japan
If you hold an idea that “I want to connect with Japanese people!”. Here are some most popular hashtags in Japan from Instagram that might help you get noticed by local Japanese.
1.#cat (#猫) Tag Volume: 36,480,594
2.#fashin (#ファッション) Tag Volume: 23,857,771
3.#Tokyo (#東京) Tag Volume: 22,069,103
4.#lunch (#ランチ) Tag Volume: 20,949,300
5.#cute (#可愛い) Tag Volume: 20,742,364
I will share more information about hashtags in Japan next and hope you enjoy reading.