What is a Negative Keyword

A negative keyword is often being mentioned when you are setting up an advertisement, including both Google ads and Yahoo ads.
Let’s look at the definition given by Google: It is a type of keyword that prevents your ad from being triggered by a certain word or phrase. Your ads aren’t shown to anyone who is searching for that phrase. This is also known as a negative match.
Shortly speaking, negative keywords allow you to show ads only to the keywords that are important to your business and products, your search ads will not be shown to the unrelated search terms.
For example, If you add the word “free” as a negative keyword to your campaign or ad group, your ads will not appear for searches that contain the word “free.” This is a useful tip to get the target audience for paid businesses or products.
Why negative keywords are necessary?
Why search ads need negative keywords?
This is to prevent ads from being appeared and clicked on unintended search terms and to reduce cost in search terms that are unlikely to lead to business results. By removing search terms that are difficult to achieve results, you will be able to focus on search terms that are more return on cost.
Basically, we exclude items that are difficult to achieve business results and items whose conversions and sales are not significantly commensurate with the number of advertising expenses invested. It’s better for the ad users to not advertise to those who are not the target of the business from the beginning because it is more cost-effective.
In order to achieve great results within a fixed budget, it is very important to reduce the budget allocation to search terms that are difficult to connect to business as much as possible. Negative keywords are one of the effective measures to achieve this.